I cannot thank Liz enough for her help and guidance February 2025
Firstly, I would like to say that Liz Noar has given me excellent treatments over many years. When I was younger, I used to work to the max in the gym and got muscular issues from time to time invariably she cured them within one or two treatments. I would highly recommend Liz for muscular and nerve related issues even everyday issues that you might not think requires a visit to a physiotherapist - better than taking pain killers.
Currently, I have a chronic health condition which affects my mobility and leaves me in chronic pain which has been overwhelming at times. It resulted in me being registered has disabled.
The pain has been totally debilitating at times even with maxing out on drugs. I then had the misfortune to get sepsis followed by septic shock last year which further aggravated my poor mobility and chronic pain.
When I went to see Liz, the first thing she talked to me about was cognitive functional therapy (CFT) and the first thing she got me to do was to relax. She has helped me to do this in the past so it’s easy for me to accept what she was saying. She also said to change my walking style. That was when I realised how tense and stiffly I was holding my body. My thighs were now no longer like bricks and mobility instantly improved.
At the same time, Liz got me to challenge my internal beliefs about my condition. I have followed her recommendations and I can say unequivocally that they have worked. CFT it’s about rewiring your brain so that signalling of pain to different parts of your body in my case my feet is stopped and that this stop becomes hardwired. I still have I have a chronic condition but I no longer have chronic pain in my feet.
I’m challenging my pain believes and essentially I am in control of my mind and what it is telling my body. I’m challenging my pains, pins and needles feelings in my feet and my numbness. The pins and needles have calmed down and I think the numbness is reducing.
I am sure my condition will continue to improve as I continue to rewire my central nervous system. Sounds rather way out there, but that’s what it is and CFT certainly works for me. It is nothing short of life changing to be pain free. My next step is to discuss reducing my drug regime with my GP.
Feel so good afterwards - November 2024
I went to see Liz through recommendation. I had previously seen a private physiotherapist and three doctors for pain in my neck that was preventing me from turning my head. I had been told by a GP that it was arthritis and prescribed amitriptyline. I’m 72 years old and was informed that everyone my age has arthritis – it was something I had to live with. Liz spent a good hour the first session listening to my story over the decades. I was clearly holding tension in my neck and having been told it was arthritis, my brain was telling me it would hurt and even be damaging to move. Over the sessions Liz encouraged me to relax, and breathe with focus. As a psychotherapist myself, I’m aware of the body-mind connection - although it took me a while to believe that there wasn’t something physically wrong with me. Through Liz‘s patient and gentle encouragement, I can now move my neck without the previous pain. Cognitive Functional Therapy definitely works, and I highly recommend Liz’s approach and skills.
Retired Doctor very grateful. - October 2024
Thank you. You have given me the tools to live a more active life despite my aches and pains.
You have addressed the physical issues, but also the complexity of pain. My experience before meeting you was that therapy focussed solely on possible physical pathology and treatment to correct it. As a result I was fearful of doing further damage and stopped doing things like running.
Now I realise pain is much more complicated and it doesn’t have to dominate or limit my life.
You have given me a new lease of life and I I will be forever thankful.
What can I say? I can only echo all the other 5 star reviews. - March 2024
I have suffered knee pain for the last 4 years.It was steadily getting worse to the point I had to give up golf approx 18 months ago, found walking any distance difficult in the last 6 months or so and had to take painkillers at night to get some sleep. I was diagnosed with arthritis in my knee and that I would need a knee replacement.
Through a recommendation, I made an appt with Liz and on the first visit Liz diagnosed the real problem with my knee (displaced kneecap) and put strapping on my that immediately reduced the pain I was having by around 80%, incredible. Liz gave me a couple of exercises to do to realign my kneecap and all is going really well. Sorry for the long review but I have been to two separate chiropractors and went through the NHS system over the last 3 years without success and Liz diagnosed, explained the science behind and remedied my problem knee in one appointment, painkillers no longer required and golf clubs ready to go! Liz is a miracle worker in my opinion.
Gave me the power to heal myself - March 2024
I went to Liz suffering from Chronic shoulder pain. I had tried lots of physio, acupuncture and been suffering more with spasms resulting in sleep loss and inactivity. I had daily pain and would avoid many things I would worry would ‘trigger it’.
After literally one appointment with Liz I am able to get back to all sports and physical activities I never thought possible. She completely revolutionised my treatment and gave me the power to heal myself. I cannot recommend her enough. Best money I’ve ever spent and I’m now pain free!
There really is no other physio like Liz Noar
Eight months ago I came to Liz with an arm and shoulder that were so sore I could hardly push a door open.
I had seen a few other physios but no-one could work out what the problem was.
She quickly pin-pointed the issues and talked me through a range of stretches and strengthening exercises. After a few visits and a lot of exercises later, my arm and shoulder were transformed. I've now completed a long swim challenge - and can even do a handstand (badly!).
None of this would have been possible without the help of Liz! - July 2021
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Liz was brilliant. I went to her with sciatica down my leg and had a lot of issues getting in and out of my car with the pain. She showed me new techniques to do and different ways to move. It’s been a few months now and after 1 session with Liz I am almost back to normal. I went to a chiropractor for 4 sessions before I went to see Liz in North Berwick and the chiropractor made me worse!
Thanks Liz! You are a star ⭐️ - December 2020
Liz is amazing. I felt a pain in my thigh and hip after running too much during lockdown. The pain didn’t go away by just resting and I was worried I wouldn’t be able to run the same distance as before. After just one meeting, Liz figured out the problem and more or less removed the pain completely. She gave me some exercises to do at home and I’m back to running again. I’m so happy for this and very grateful for Liz’s help.
She is outstanding! - December 2020
Several of the other reviews mention the pain they suffered being "caused by their brain". That's exactly what happened to me. My brain perceived that an area of my body needed to be protected and created the most excruciating pain I've ever experienced to stop physical movement. I was taking strong pain killers which had no effect. I visited Liz and within 15 minutes she had explained that there was no physical reason for my pain and showed me techniques to re-train my neural pathways. It took a few weeks but the pain has completely gone. I am so thankful that I chose Liz as my physiotherapist. It is no exaggeration to say that, without her, my life could have gone in a completely different direction with ever stronger pain killers being prescribed to no effect and even surgery to relieve a pain that was entirely caused by my own brain.
I can't thank her enough. - November 2020
I recently moved Liz's father to north Berwick , when I met Liz I told her I had hurt my back the day before so was feeling very uncomfortable with the pain. Liz sat me down and explained how pain derives from the brain. She then taught me a few quick exercises , mainly relaxing and a few contradicting what we think we understand about lower back pain. I have to say the relief from the pain was instant and I could carry on helping my team unload the furniture without worrying that I’m making the problem worse.
Amazing - May 2020
So fortunate to find Liz after failing to get correct treatment. I had spent £300 on two separate therapists who had tried a combination of massage and manipulation to no effect after a lifting injury leaving me in pain for 2 months. Liz immediately identified the problem using the evidence based physiotherapy technique and started work. After just 2 sessions I was well on the way to recovery. Liz also also an extremely personable and sympathetic lady.
I would definitely recommend her. - Feb 2020